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about us.webp

At Loan Fixers, we treat each customer as an individual, not a number. We use "common sense" and will help you obtain the best loan possible. We represent a wide range of "A" rated lenders with first quality rates to private "hardship" lenders.

We understand how lenders, servicer's and mortgage companies operate, what program eligibility terms are, and how to help influence a lenders underwriting staff to grant a loan modification approval. While you can apply for a loan modification yourself, working with an experienced third party, can help you obtain potentially better outcomes and results.

We also work with attorneys who specialize in predatory lending, unjust loan modification denials, breach of contract and wrongful foreclosure. If you have a mortgage lender who you feel may be unjustly denying you for a mortgage or a loan modification, we may be able to help.



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